
After booking we will send you detailed instructions on how to find us.

To Bring on the Day

You need to bring the following to your medical. Failure to do so may mean we cant complete the form. Note you will be charged anyway and may incur a followup charge.

  1. Your Glasses and an Opticians Prescription: The vision regulations have changed for professional drivers who wear spectacles (not contact lenses) when driving. You now have to bring along to the medical assessment an opticians prescription which is dated within 4 months of the date of the medical. If you do not have one you can see an optician after the medical who will complete the first page of the D4 form.
  2. A list of your medication including names and doses. (if in doubt bring the medication)
  3. If you have had any major operations, in particular on your heart, bring a list of names and dates. If you don’t have this your GP should provide an automated print out listing all the information. Under new GDPR rules they are meant to produce this for free but they have up to 28 days so make sure you have it before booking a date.
  4. The name and relevant details of any consultants you are currently under and what you are being treated for.
  5. Your paperwork! Though we can print off the standard form if needed.

Take your Medication on the day!

Please take your usual medication on the day of the exam. For some reason some people miss our their tablets and this can often lead to high readings on blood pressure etc.

The Examination

The examination will usually last 20-30 minutes.

We will start with the eye test. This is done on both eyes separately with and without glasses. We then check fields of vision and some other eye examinations. If you have complicated eye problems it might be best to get an optician to do this part of the test and let them optimise the glasses you are wearing whereas we can only test you with the pair you attend with.

We will then go through your medical history and ask a lot of questions. We will then examine you, including your heart, lungs, basic measurements including blood pressure and urine test. (You will be asked to produce a sample on the day).

We will then go through the form and advise you on our findings. Note we do not make any decisions – it is the role of the examiner to provide information for the DVLA to decide upon.

You will leave with the completed form and a receipt (if wanted).